Wednesday, May 08, 2019

What to write…

What to write…  

I sat here and wrote a long post for today… and then changed my mind… deciding to post it for Mother’s Day instead.. It is a tribute to my kids.. after all one can’t be a mother without the kids.. right?
So I posted it to publish on Mother’s day… which left me with nothing for today.. Well, that is a fine kettle of fish..

Came up with a great idea for a post… a couple days ago.. it was going to be called…. I REMEMBER… and it was going to be some of the things what happen when we were kids.. and people today… don’t even know about it.. Well those under 40 anyway..
Phones on the wall, and with dials. And so many more things.. but the trouble with writing that one for today…. I didn’t write any of them down…  so guess what …. I FORGOT…  guess I didn’t remember very well.. so guess that will have to be another day, and when I remember them again.. I will write them down… 

I am at the age now.. that I have to write everything down.. Appt. on the calendar, sticky notes up on the mirror in the bathroom.. Some of the calendar end up on the sticky notes on the mirror.
So many you can give me some ideas and help me write the blog for that day….  I REMEMBER….._______________ fill in the blank…  things when we were younger… like penny candy stores. Wearing shoes during school year, but bare feet for summer and shoes only for church… walking on the hot dirt barefooted and etc.. what can you come up with? 


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