Wednesday, February 26, 2020

Am I starting too soon?

Am I starting too soon

It was a beautiful day… afternoon on Saturday.
I was looking at the yard work to be done. Bushes
that need to be trimmed…  Roses bushes to be trimming,
Clematis that need to be cut..   And oh my gosh, the flower
beds that are hugely over grown with dead leaves of last
years bulbs..  Oh, so much to do.

So with the weather being in the high 40’s, I set out and
cut the leaves off the bulbs.   And decided after I got rid
of it all… down to 2 to 3 inches… 4 feet of them.. 

These bulbs have got to go..   As my memory of last year as I was
doing the same at the end of March… what the heck are these
anyway, I thought..  Well they turn out to be LOTS OF GREEN LEAVES.. and then tiny iris’s.  Well, they are probably call something else,but that is what they look like.   As I was dealing with this mass of thin loooooooooooooong leaves… I see the bulbs look like they have multiplied.. Oh, these bulb have to go.
But not looking into digging down about 5 or 6 inches ..4 feet of
It by 2 and half deep… right now I think the ground is frozen.

With the weather warming up more.. going to be 50 something
On Saturday… there is more to cut.. (tiger lilies, roses to trim, bushes to tied up after I trim them… Am I starting too soon?

And this bush... looked so awesome.... I am going to cut them as they grow back fast....and this will be come old cane.... and give them to the local florist to use in her flower arrangements...

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