Tuesday, February 04, 2020



I have decided to start an essay (for lack of better wording) of who am I…  I have two daughters who over the years have done Ancestory.com.  I get a head ache trying to keep up with all of it.. I go mostly to the direct.. meaning grand parents, great grandparents and etc.. not cousins and far reaching into aunts and uncles.  Just too overwhelming…  the part I found the most interesting was the census over the years because of the information there.. Not only is there the name, ages, and who is in the house hold but gives the occupation.   Because most of the research, does not give that. And I find that one of the most interesting..    So I figured if I were to give that kind of information.. of myself, my husbands and go beyond.. it would be more interesting to the person who looks this up many years later.. that is if the disk that I put it on, is still around.  No, I am not putting it here, as some of it is too personal. I don’t mind my family knowing, but not ready for the nation or the world to know. 

Any way, I figure it is going to be a few days to maybe weeks.. depending on how much I want to write about at a time.  I am also going to start it out with a little back ground on my grandparents so that my kids, grandkids or great grandkids will know more about the background.. not just names and where born and died.  Things I remember about both them, that does not make it on the census or the online searches. 

Have you gave any thought about writing about yourself.. for your family .. sure your kids know about you since you married and had kids, but do they know what kind of small jobs you had as a kid. Do they know what kind of jobs their grandparents (if they passed away a long time ago) or some of the other background.  Those who are lucky to still have their grandparents around can ask. But so often.. we don’t.  Anyway.. that is a project on the side I am going to have going.

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