Thursday, March 28, 2013


Where do you fit in the rank of your family?
Are you the oldest? The youngest? Or the middle child/children?

I started out as the oldest, and then got deranked for a year or so, to the Middle child…  My folks had a foster child.. it was a friend of mine for years…who wasn’t getting along with her foster parents she had. So because she and my mother had a great repour due to horses and she was my friend… Mom decided they would become foster parents.
She was 18 months older than I… so I became the middle child.

Somehow being the oldest and being the middle child …kind of blended in to each other. See as the middle child…. I got the blame for what ever went wrong. Or whatever happen.  See the OLDEST child .. Gloria… would
never do “that” because she knew better.  She knew right from wrong, and just wouldn't do it… And my kid brother… well, he was too young to know to do “that”, so he wouldn't come up with it… So that only left me…the MIDDLE  child. Who knew about it, and I guess I was suppose to be
so dumb to think I would get away with it.  So while having the best friend for a sister now..was not as cool as I thought it was going to be. 

But as in all things good, they come to an end…See Gloria and I had skipped school for 3 days.
We went fishing, mostly, but goofed off…and there was a few boys in the mix of all this, during one day. But it wasn't a sex thing because I was still of the age, that boys were my pals. I was a tomboy, so we played football, baseball,ran down the beach in races and etc… They were just another
goofy kid, to me.

Some how my mother did not see the humor of all this.. and decided that I did not start this temporary vacation.(which was amazing in itself, being I had be so devious before..but she figured out that it was actually the OLDEST kid did. AND that Gloria was a bad influence on me.  So sadly
she removed Gloria from our lives. Which even though she went from my best friend, to a bossy sister.. it was still sad to see her go.. I forgot the details as that was about 60 years ago. But do remember I never saw Gloria again.

So that threw me back into being the OLDEST… but some how without a middle child.. that I was back in hot water again.  As my kid brother still was not smart enough to be devious as  OLDER child would be.. so once
again.. it was my fault…   And besides… even if he did.. well it was still my fault as I was suppose to be watching my kid brother and make sure he didn't get in trouble.  And that is how life was… Until I left at the age of almost 18, after graduation from high school.

So what was your rank in the family… They say the youngest isn't such a hot place to be either. Even though they seem to be the one that gets spoiled.  Parents know this is the last one.. and then they are the last one
to leap out of the nest. Also the parents have extra money, being the rest are gone, so they get cool things, the folks couldn't afford before.. 
But the youngest is the one who gets all the hand me downs until the rest have left. And get left behind, because the other siblings don’t want to babysit the baby of the family…and teased, and practical jokes pulled on them. 
Knew one family where the oldest 4 boys … left the two youngest ones on a large stub, until early evening
When the older ones were done playing in the woods, they came back to get the youngest ones and went home..  One evening they forgot them.. and that is how their mother found out about it.   So guess being the youngest isn't so hot either. 

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