Tuesday, September 17, 2013

Filling out doctor office papers....

Now over the years we have all had to fill out those
papers of who you are, what you have had in your life
time and who is going to pay the bill information.

This is when you go to a new doctor.. Usually the
name, rank, address, and who is going to pay for this,
fills up the first page... then if you are lucky.. what
you have had over the years is a matter of a check list,
on the second page.

Not anymore.. and not necessarily just when you got to
a new doctor. 

Case in point, the King had to go in for his yearly check up. They hand him a clip board and a bunch of papers... which of course, like most men with their wives with them.. hand the clip board to her.  I looked at this.. and then told the gal, you know this is just his yearly check up and the same thing is true this year is the same as last year.  She replies, with no reaction, this is a new form... so please fill it out.

I take it back to the chair where I was sitting and started to fill it out.. Well, I am here to tell you... I ended up marking N/A on a good share of it..

Oh, I filled out the same old, same old.. name, rank and who is going to pay for this... then clicked off the list of what he has had in his life time.. and also what meds he is taking.. Which when you consider the doctor is the one who prescribed them to him.. you would think they would already have that in the records.
Both the King and I carry copies of the papers they give you when you pick up your meds from the pharmacy.. just in case. It has the dose as well as the name and etc.

But now.. they want to know..... do you own a gun?  What is you sex life is like... to the embarrassing point of how often and etc.
N/A..... N/A..... N/A.... N/A... are you thinking of suicide?
No, and HELL NO. 

I had heard that they were doing this for the service men.. and I can kind of understand with the new vets... with suicide being a daily happening... but the common man?  And even if ... just saying..
even if the person who is suppose to be filling out these papers, is he or she really going to admit, they have sex rarely? and why?and are they going to admit they are thinking of suicide? Last I heard they are the last one to admit it... and then lastly....
DO YOU OWN A GUN.. what person.... especially a man who
lives in Idaho... does NOT own a gun...   ok, ok, there are the rare ones.. but i think we can safely say 85% or more of the men do. And in this day and age... who is going to admit it...

Remember the doctor probably only reads about half of this stuff, and if you are a long time patient... he rarely does... he asked you, so what is new?   But the office staff does read it... and the insurance people do... and frankly.. it is none of THEIR business about my
husband's sex life and if he owns a gun...  he is only here because he needs his meds updated..  And none of these things have anything to do with what he has.  And if there is more.. he will talk to the doctor
about it, not write it down.


1 comment:

Mari Meehan said...

Outstanding heads up! With Obamacare coming expect more intrusion into things that have nothing to do with your health but that big brother wants to know!