Wednesday, January 17, 2018

Just because you can say it…

Just because you can say it…
Just because you can say it, doesn’t mean you should.

Some people think it is okay what Trump had to say about…. “Why do we want all these people from shithole countries coming here?”  Some say, he was just saying it like it is..  And he does have the right to say what he wants.. it the American way of the first amendment. Which protects everything everyone wants to say.. except for the word said loudly.. unless it is the truth.. FIRE FIRE…  But again, just because you can say it.. it doesn’t mean you should.

It also saddens me that people do defend his words .. not from the first amendment stand point, but from the fact they think he is so wonderful that anything he says, they defend.
And the ones that make me cringe the most.. are my friends.. as I have a couple of people we call friends that think Trump is great.   You might ask me.. why do I keep them for friends?  And my answer is.. that they have other qualities worth the friendship… so far… There is times when they make me cringe as I lock my teeth together.. And I try my best to keep politics out of the conversation.  

I had a friend who found out that I voted for Obama the first time around.. And she flipped out when she found out I was going to vote for him. Instead of trying to change my mind, she went on the attack. With words about my mental condition and how I didn’t deserve to vote.. that my voting privileges should be taken away. There was a full page of these thoughts.. As I read them in shock, as I have NEVER EVER told another person how to vote. I encourage them to get out and vote, even when I know they aren’t voting for the same person I am.  When I reached the bottom of the page.. I got another email from her… telling me that it was the final email I would get from her.. and she was blocking me from her email box.
I was flabbergasted to say the least.  I sat there in shock. Disbelief.  This was a woman who I admired. We worked together..We worked in a nursing home and we went up against the powers that be several times together for the residents.  I lost a friend.. or at least I thought we were friends.  Evidently not..  So as I deal with friends and the Trump situation.. I try to be a good friend.  And believer everyone is entitled to their own opinion.

So he can say it…but he shouldn’t have. Even if it was behind closed doors.. As President in the past have found out.. it always gets out. 

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