Panhandle Feed Mill Co. lives to see another sunrise and set.
Well, I got up at 5am and got dress quickly.
Grabbed my camera and cell phone.
Photographer Cis on the
Got down town to see the Panhandle
Feed Mill be towed down. Met a few
people who told stories about the mill.
It started off with 3 of us. The thing
that bother us as we were taking pictures...
was why wasn't there any preparation
work done? No cables attached to the
building, no cones to block the side work.
And if it is going down were is the crew
that should be getting it ready?
By 6:30am the time of the suppose
deconstruction.... there were at least
150 people there including the editor of
the Daily Bee. Everyone milling around
and wondering if this is going to be pulled
off or not.
As some were getting disgusted by the
lack of attention to the building. (even
one person who jokingly asked where
were the SAVE THE PIEGONS signs)
and we all laughed.
Then a police car drives up across the
street. Ah, action!
They walk over to a man who is sitting in
the red truck near the building. Is it Mr.
Buck, the owner who is suppose to be
bringing down the building? We all watch....
waiting... and then the two police officers,
walk to the edge of the street... throw their
hands up in the air and said...
and they turn around and head back to
the car. The crowd, is disappointed,
but laughing as they head towards their
cars. Overheard is .."This is so Sandpoint...
never on foul up at a time".
But it was interesting. I got up at 5 am to
see this, or rather to not see this. I got to
meet an interesting man who use to play at
the top of the building. How his father
blew the horn when it was time to go, that he
would run down looking like a ghost covered
up with the feed dust. How he left the area
after he got out of school. Became a skyscraper
builder, and returned in the late 70's and
helps his father run the family dairy on Dufort
Road. He talked about how his 80 year old
father has to run off real estate people who
are constantly after him to sell.
There were a lot of people there. Some
even brought their grandchildren to show
them the mighty building demise. There
was even a couple of couples who set up
table and chairs with umbrella's.
They set it all up and sat down to enjoy their
coffee and donuts.
Some one said something about being told
that no one would show up. And she replied
to them... this is Sandpoint, when it is a piece
of old Sandpoint ...everyone ..old Sandpoint
people show up.
So the old Panhandle Feed Mill live for another day.
The Sunny Side of Life
14 hours ago
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