Thursday, March 01, 2007

Her Most Serene Highness Lady Cecelia
"the Free of Much Madness upon Avon"
that is what it says at the end of my blog...
but the last week or so... I wonder.

snow, snow snow.....the robin that was
here on Monday, must be snuggled in
someone's tree.

Here we thought spring was coming.
50's weather, sunshine... I should have
kept my mouth shut... I am really getting
sick and tired of snow... But the dog is
loving it. The King snow blows a path for
her and she uses it for a race track.

It doesn't help that I feel like crap anyway.
Here I thought I made it thru... no winter cold
or flu... then wam... but I should have known.
The grandson showed up last week with the
whole dose, runny eyes and nose and coughing.

Drat, kids... germ carriers...

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