Over the weekend the King and
a friend ran a yard sale for the two of
The grandson made a pretty neat eye
catching sign for downtown, at the yard
sale sign board. They had the where, when,
in the sign. Top row, date and time.
Which was Sat. 9 to noon or sold out.
So tell me why did the first customer come
at 6:42?? The second one at 7am? The friend
had not got there yet. So the King sent them
away. The 6:42 one was quite miffed. He yelled
back, well you put your signs out! And the King
said, yes... and it says 9am. You are over 2
hours early.. the guy mumbled something under
his breathe...but he did show up at 9. And bought
some things.
Funny the things people buy. Stuff you wonder if
anyone is interested in... sells like hot cakes. The
stuff that is 1% of the original cost, and they walk
right by. So it isn't price. Also you asked a quarter
for something and they want to know, will you take
a nickel.. If it is a $5 item, and you ask a quarter, is
it not a reasonable price? A nickel.. geesh. And no,
the King wouldn't lower it, just out of principle.
Well, the long and short of it, the sale went well.
When I got back at noon, the King got rid of all
but 5 items. The friend got rid of over 50% of his.
They decided to try one more time on Sunday.
Changed the signs.. but only 3 customers in
3 hours and they folded.
As they folded, there was a lady who came by
with her young son. She was disappointed they
were closing.. The two of them told her anything
except one item, she could have for the taking.
The boy was looking at the fishing poles. The King
asked him if he would like to have one. The boy
smiled and said yes. So the King told him.. well,
in that case I will give you all 6.. that way you have
one for each day. The boy gathered them up and
had the smile on his face, from ear to ear.
The two guys loaded up her car with everything she
wanted. The King said it didn't look like they had
much, so he was happy to help her out. Her back
seat was loaded to the windows.. They were
going to take it all to Goodwill anyway. Except for
the one item. Bunkbed/futon couch. $50. firm.
Ireland 2025: Day Two
12 hours ago