Tuesday, July 10, 2007

Why is That?

You know when you go to town and you
are at a crosswalk with a walker's light?
Do you know how long you have to get

In the town of Sandpoint, you have exactly
7 seconds, from walk to flashing do not walk.
How long does it take you to walk across?
Well, I am a fast walker, and it takes me 10
seconds to get across. What is this, a marathon?
God forbid if you are elderly, and walk slowly.
Why are they so fast?

Why is it, on a country road, people think it
is ok to park in the middle of the road and talk
to someone else. And when you squeeze by
with your vehicle.. they glare at you as if you
are the intruder? What is up with that?


PinkAcorn said...

Maybe one of those rude Californee people?

Mari Meehan said...

Testy today are we? Must be the heat! Lol.