Thursday, September 03, 2009

Busy as bees...

With only one day left before the Labor Day weekend and the beginning of
school on Tuesday, the workers on the addition to the Kootenai School are
working fast and furious...

Here are the pictures of what is going to be.. first one is the new bus land,
and then the walk way for the kids as it as sidewalks now.. and then there
is the lane for parents to drop off their children. There is also a new parking
area across Second Avenue from the school.

This part you can see, isn't going to be fact the buildings aren't going
to be done in time... and believe me these men have been working all summer
long, to try to find some order for it, so they can run the school while they finish
the insides. This is where the cafeteria, if I understood right, is going to be and
I don't know what is going to be on the second floor. It is near what has always
been the gym.

Where these trucks are parked will be the bus lane... Sidewalks on both sides
They have been working hard this month to get the playground in some kind
of order...but I would say, I doubt the soccer field will be ready this year. The
whole school should be finished by next year...

1 comment:

MarmiteToasty said...

:) it looks like its gonna be good......

still giggle when you doodles say 'sidewalk' LOL it makes me think of the ministry of funny walks lmfao

we just say the 'path' or 'pavement' :)
