Wednesday, September 15, 2010

We Americans have an obsession with Death

As we, as a nation observe the 9-11 date, there

it is every where… Television, Facebook, Blogs,

Newspapers, magazines… it is every where.

I am probably the only one in the USA who is

overwhelmed with it. I just don’t understand.

Yes, it was horrible. Yes, the family are still

mourning in their own way… but we seem to be

a nation that dwells on the last tragedy.

What do I mean? Well, what about the Oklahoma tragedy?

Don’t see anyone making a big deal of that? Where is the

big programs, Facebooks, magazines, Newspapers? Why,

because it was our own nutcase who did the damage? But

doesn’t the parents of those children/babies who died, grieve

as much?

Pearl Harbor is mention less and less as time goes away…

And of course in the what, 1890’s or early 1900’s.. there was

the call of “Remember the Maine”. All is forgotten.

I don’t mean we shouldn’t observe it happen. I don’t say forget it,

But could they tone it down a bit.

But the media treats it like it happen yesterday or even last year.

It was 9 years ago… can imagine what next year will be like with

it being 10 years.

There was a woman who was still crying over her daughter, that

was interviewed. The daughter died in the towers. I know it is

horrible. But so are the ones who died at Pearl Harbor, who died

in Oklahoma, and for that matter for each love one who was killed

by a drunken driver and the rest of the horrible ways that we lose

someone suddenly. A horrific car accident or murder is just as horrible

to the parent as the parents or wives/husbands who lost those in New York.

I know I will be thought of as a hard hearted person. That I don’t know

What it is like to lose someone suddenly. But the answer to that is yes,

I do know what it is like. But I went on…with life, with great memories

of them. Maybe because I believe that God rules our lives, and some

people are meant to be with us thru the duration and some are not.

And to appreciate them when they are with you… and keep the memories,

When they are taken from you suddenly. But don’t dwell on them like it was yesterday…

I have compassion, but I guess I look at life more logical. Don’t know if that is good or bad.

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