Thursday, April 28, 2011
papers, papers,papers....everywhere
so she could be with her mom thru eye surgery.
So I ended up not getting some of the small things
done. Among them is papers, not just newspapers,
but mail excess, and some others.
Then came the beautiful days, almost 3 in a row.
I was outside all day each day, doing yard work.
So I look at the dining room table and the little table
next to my chair, and I see scattered papers of all
kinds. Parts of newspaper, that I figured I would look
at later. Mail that wasn’t that important but now there is
8 or more. And warranty’s registrations to fill out…
Paper work, paper work, when will it stop… lol..
How can just a couple days throw me off so quickly.
So now I have the small table clear out, and the dining
room table (which became a catch all so fast) is next.
Thank goodness for a raining day tomorrow. Lol
Wednesday, April 27, 2011
Buying local...& By the way...
different items for the house, and yard. And we have been
keeping in mind the economy from our side as well as our
local businessperson.
So we have been doing research around town to find the best
deal for us. And being the economy is bad, the businesses have
been doing a better job to help out. As we got several breaks
on different products.
All of this has made us pretty happy, for several reasons. The price, of
course, is one of the main reason’s but also because we have some one
local who will back their items. And actually it made us feel good that we
could do local and help out our town’s businesses as well.
By the way, as we get saturated with the coming wedding of William and
Kate, why is there also a constant reminder of his mother’s funeral and
her wedding. A passing mention of Diane’s wedding along with the Queens and Princess Anne, and such is not a bad thing.. but a many times of it?
And Elton John’s singing the song of Diane’s funeral is a little over the top?
After all this is William’s and KATE’S wedding.
And the constant reporting of the wedding for a month before and everywhere ( with every American reporter in England) the week before is also a bit much.
There must be little to report on thru out the world or do we need the feel
good reporting to help us not be so stressed out? Or is it me?
Tuesday, April 26, 2011
The Tea Party will impress me when....
all American’s. That those who are running, and some winning,
are just like you and me… but I don’t thinks so. Some of them are
just as bad as the Republican’s by being so far right, I think they fell
off the plate except you can still hear them yelling. And some of them
are, well, for lack of better words or to be kind, are extremely different.
But I know it was started out to be a group, or party, depending on
what they call themselves…to do good for the American public. Some
where a lot of them fell off the track.
But I will be impressed by the Tea Party and those who did get in,
when they do several things.
1. is when they put up a bill to help us all, to put up one where all
Congress person’s wages will be cut 10% like the rest of the country.
Never ever has there been a cut. Nor has there ever been a stay in
their wages. No, they get an automatic raise, no matter if they were
good or bad, how much they were absent from voting. Never.
So get a bill AND pass it that their wages will be firm for 10 years
at least. Never raised. (personally, I think they should only meet
for 2 months a year. It wasn’t to be a career)
2. Next that they have to pay for their own health insurance that they find
for themselves…. Like a lot of a lot of employees have had to do because
the employers can’t afford to pay for it all and some can’t at all.
3. Next they have a bill that passes, that there will not be any more
lobbyist. Period. None…
4.Next pass a bill that there will not be any more tag along laws on any
laws or policies, unless it is directly to do with the bill in the first place.
5.Next give the people their rights back. The right to vote on term limits
on Congress person… or pass a law that they can only be a Congress
person for the total of 12 years. I use to think we could do that by our
votes, but we are stuck with Congress person for years and years from
other states that we can’t vote out. But we are stuck with their voting.
When they do these things, not talk about it....
THEN maybe I will be impressed with the Tea Party, otherwise they are
just a nuisance like the other two parties.
Monday, April 25, 2011
I,the still unfinished clay, believe
“We share a common temptation to quickly connect injustice and sin. We often live with a self-imposed scar that whatever injustices we suffer, we supposedly deserve them. We quickly convince ourselves when thing so wrong that we are somehow being punished for our actions. We try to muster up belief within ourselves that injustice must be fair, that our wrongs must deserve God’s punishment in this way. Life isn’t always fair. Our actions will always have consequences, but not all consequences are equal to the actions. Kindness is not always returned with gratitude. And sometimes our wrongs go unpunished. (like not getting a ticket for the times you did run a stop sign, and rolled thru it) Our injustices in life are not always about God running some sort of cause and effect system of justice.”
This makes sense to me… it is one of the belief’s that I have always had and
probably one of the reasons why I have some trouble with some churches over the years. I have always believed that I am just as close to God and Jesus in my yard surrounded by his grass, his sky, his trees, his air and etc. than I was in a church, if not more so. So many churches preach the hell and damnation. The fear of God. I don’t fear God, I believe in him, I worship him, and I try not to screw up because I respect him. So I have a hard time with mankind’s thoughts and preaching from time to time. Many times. But I do go to church
to learn, to hear what the Pastor has to say. Once in a while you find a good
one. Who does not judge you, he lets God do that.
I believe that God and Jesus are loving Gods, who get disgusted with us
Humans down here from time to time…and smile at our antics and even smile at our kindness. I believe sometimes we have to deal with tragedy in our lives so that we learn a lesson from it .If we have perfection 100% of the time, how do we know that.. with the bad times, we learn about how wonderful the good times are. We may not know that lesson for quite some time. Most of all, we need to stop beating ourselves up and letting others beating us, for our sins. We did it… it is over.. we learn from it.. God already forgave us. Get over it…God has many more things for us to see. And I believe that all things are possible through God. And everything in God’s time table, not ours.
Thursday, April 21, 2011
If you don’t like what you see, then wait a half hour, it will
change. Which really seems to be the deal with our Idaho
weather this week.
The past two days in particular, really has brought that out.
First we start out with some frost, followed by snow big flakes,
followed by small flakes, turn to sunshine, all snow that did
stick (as most didn’t) was melted. Only to have the cycle start
again. With a little bit of rain throw in there for good measure.
Now most of us are so ready for Spring. There is seeds popping
up dancing in our heads. Visions of plants to put out, around the house.
Some inside, some outside… Flowers you see as you enter Home
Depot, giving you the yearning to buy, buy, buy so you can go
home and plant, plant, plant. So come on, Mother Nature, stop
your joking around and give us warm weather to start our mission
for the summer.
Wednesday, April 20, 2011
Losing a friend
You know how devastating it is. It is so unbelievable.
After all, you just talked to that person, hours or a day ago.
How can this be? Why did it happen? Could you have changed
anything to prevent it? And the answer is no, you could not.
What is… is. As harsh as that sounds, it is the truth.
But it doesn’t take away the hurting feeling you have. The
numbness, you feel, almost like you feel that person is just
going to come around the corner and it was all a horrible
nightmare…but you know in your heart it is true.
How do you handle this sudden tragedy, this freak accident.
You feel this only happens on television shows, not in your life.
Yet, here you are. Your heart aches for the family and other
friends. You are in good company as you grieve. But that does
not help. Even after the funeral, you have this heavy heart.
I had it happened to me, when a friend was hit by a train and
killed shortly after she and I had ended a conversation of an hour.
Ended with, see you at work. Only to be told hours later that,
that person was gone. It took a long time to place it in a place in
my heart, where the time had faded the hurt.
This past weekend, the same thing happen to another set of
friends, and family. A missing friend, a search for days by
friends, only to end in a pond on a country road. Unbelieving
friends and family, and closure they did not want. A family who
came to town to help look for this missing son/brother…A company who
sends out employees and planes to search. Then one person,
see something strange on the road, and the search ends in
the pond below. The hurt starts with some the healing coming,
as there is closure. Why some ask… the answer to that will never
be. As with so many times it never is. Friends and a Company,
try to understand with the family.
God Bless…. May you have peace in heaven… Dennis Hopper.
Dying way too young.
Tuesday, April 19, 2011
Are you a good neighbor?
Monday, April 18, 2011
We are ready, early
Thursday, April 14, 2011
Some times I wonder....
Wednesday, April 13, 2011
Well, Good bye Dolly
Tuesday, April 12, 2011
No room at the Inn
We have decided to replace our carpet in our house.
The Living room and hall way that is.. After much
deciding on what we wanted… the King went and
picked out what he thought we wanted (he did a good
job of color) ordered it and put down the deposit as a
surprise for my birthday. That was the easy part.
Now we have about 2 weeks to clear out our living room.
And my hall closet, if there is any left over, they said they
would do that too. This is a linen closet, blankets, sheets
and etc. Not too bad, but boy did I have stuff crammed in
there that I forgot, in the back.
THEN there is the living room. Now I don’t know what your
living room looks like, but mine is wall to wall around the room
with the middle open. But you can figure about 4 feet along
the walls, is something. And I wish it was all furniture like
chairs.. but no.. we have, let me see and count.. 3 cabinet
like tables, plus a coffee table my son built over 25 years ago.
Which has little cabinet cupboard in the middle and two
openings, one on each side. This unit weighs a ton. Sliders
are the only thing that will move it.. (Sliders are the greatest
invention I know of) We also have 3 bookcases. All full to the gills.
I have emptied the bookcases and removed them to the
garage.. We have 4 totes full of books. Which we moved
by a dolly, as those babies were heavy. I am amazed at
how much stuff we have collected. And we had a yard sale
before we moved in here. And two since..does this stuff breed?
Anyway, I have to go get some more totes… and my
back bedroom is full. The bed is covered from foot to
So we have no room at the Inn… hopefully no one
decides to surprise us.
Monday, April 11, 2011
Who do we have fighting for us?
Thursday, April 07, 2011
Waiting, Waiting.... waiting..... waiting...
Wednesday, April 06, 2011
You wonder what went wrong and when....
Tuesday, April 05, 2011
National Holiday
Sunday, April 03, 2011
IT'S SPRING...this I know...
The King was not to be outdone... so he got his birthday present out..
(his birthday is tomorrow)
If it looks like he is a stuff shirt.... look below..
and you will see he has a passenger... do they make tiny helmets?
What a beautiful sunny day...... isn't it...
but I turn around and looked... see what is coming over the mountain towards us..
looks like snow coming to the mountain... means rain for us... maybe it will go northwest of us.