Wednesday, January 23, 2013

Garage Art....

As one gets older, we seem to venture out to something new..

My father, it was wood carvings.. He made wooden spoons, bowls,and even some people.. I have a piece of wood… when you look at one side it looks like a piece of firewood… yet, when you turn it around it is a fisherman with a fish. …


This December my daughter asked what could she get me for Christmas, and I told her I would like to give art a try. A winter hobby. I had a couple in mind… one for my brother-in-law for his birthday… (it says…“My man cave…Others call it outdoors”.. and it has a valley scene). And one for one of my
son’s who lives near the lake.. I just finished that one.. and now working on one for myself.. it is an abstract. 

You have to understand… I can’t draw a straight line…. Never mind anything else. Even when bored and I doodle, I draw the same thing.. a tree.. and if I have a lot of time on my hands.. then a lake in the background with a sailboat.  Sounds great but I am sure that a first grader could do a lot better.  And Grandma Moses, sure the heck did a lot better.. My mother was quite an artist…she did a whole hunt scene around our basement wall, with lodge, dogs, hunters and their horses and the fox at the end.. My kids all are artist of one kind or another.. very talented. I got lost in the gene factory.

But I am having fun doing it.. I call it Garage Art… because that is where I want people to put them. 
The King is getting a kick out of this.. as he knows how craft disable I am. I am not ready for the unveiling yet…maybe when I get a few .. and hopefully I get better.

So you see, no matter how old you get.. you still can try anything.. just ask Marianne Love, of Slight Detour, she is learning how to play the banjo, this year.  
This Dad's art at the age of 77... I have one of his spoons somewhere.. it is a mixing spoon and that is one strong spoon.

1 comment:

Marianne Love said...

Cool. Good for you, Cis. Maybe we can both go "on the road" some day with our talents. Of course, it would have to be a "back road" where the wolves could howl at my banjo plucking! :)