Wednesday, August 21, 2013


I am supposed to be doing my homework.
I have a 133 page assignment that I need to
have read by Wednesday night. I am on page 101.
32 pages to go.

This is not the most exciting reading.. but it isn’t boring
either. It is a project that all of us have been involved in
for 2 years and some of us for more than that.. about
5 for some.    As they started and then it got sidelined.
But 2 years ago or a little more.. all of us decided to
keep with it until it was done. And finally it is done.

But now we get to read it from start to finish…as in the past
we have been doing section by section.. some of them longer than others.  And after Wednesday night, if all of it passed thru, and no one has anymore to add, or question.. then the next step is to post it on the walls of the city hall and let the public come and read it… and leave notes of questions and remarks and comments.. (not necessarily the same).

AND THEN..Public Notices, and it becomes the policy, for Kootenai..
It is called  Zoning  Ordinance.

Some might think it is boring.. but it sure is necessary.
And if you live here in the City of Kootenai, and want to
build, start a business, be it in your home or a separate
building.. it will be of great interest to you.. to know what
you can and can not do… before you do it.

While the main players are the council themselves… and the
guiding hand is Lisa Keyes… with the lawyer in the background to make sure the i’s are dotted and the t’s are crossed.. and all of it in legal sense… I got to participate as JANE Q PUBLIC.

Hopefully when it is put up for the citizens of Kootenai to read,They will come and read it and appreciate the fact that the council worked hard on it and while doing so.. guarded life for those who live here and made it fair.

So I am off to read the last 32 pages… and then get together with the great crew/ council persons, clerk and consultant.  

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