Tuesday, May 01, 2018

My conversations with surveyors

My conversations with surveyors

On a rainy cloudy day… after 7 wonderful sunshine days.. what does one do.?
On Sunday afternoon,  the phone rings.. and yes it is our code but.. the number is not familiar.. But what the heck, I don’t have anything else to do…
AH… SURVEYORS… ELECTION PARTY SURVEYORS..  Now usually I have the answer machine pick it up.. with the usual message… “we aren’t available right now but leave a message.. if you are a sales person, please hang up , as we don’t do business on the phone.’ 
But today.. what the heck…  Hello, yes, this is she….  Oh, surveyors… sorry I am surveyed out, you are about the 8th one so far…  so many of you… I know it will only take 5 minutes.. but when you are 78 years old..  5 minutes is a long time to waste… Ok. One question.. by the way.. do you get paid for doing this surveying?  Kind of?  So does that mean by that, I should answer,  so you get paid?  Ok… so you want the answer of favorable or unfavorable… huh?   You know older people have more to say than just a one word answer.. Ok, if you insist on this…  Have I a favorable or unfavorable thoughts about who?   Oh, Trump, are you kidding me.. he is a blow heart! Ass…  Yea, I guess you would say unfavorable..  Labordor… (our Senator in Wa. D.C.)  ……. ARE YOU KIDDING ME? The man is a joke.. he is an embarrassment to our state… in my own opinion……   (forgot to add that before , keeps the slander suits down)… Ok. Put down unfavorable…I warned you that older people have more to say than one word.   Brad Little (running for Gov.)  Heck no… just more of Otter.. who wants more of Otter… none of us….  Ok ok.. so unfavorable…    Ok, read the list of the 10 … favorable… un favorable.. and don’t know them?  Ok..    never heard  of them.. never heard of him.. never heard of him… never heard of her..  By the way… are you in Boise?  As I have never heard of any of these… none are from up here in Sandpoint… Oh… yea.. I already mailed in my  ballot.. Oh, did I forget to mention that?  Well, you didn’t asked that question…. Lol… Oh, you haven’t wasted my time.. been kind of fun for me…  have a good day..

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