Tuesday, March 24, 2020

These are troubling times..

These are troubling times..

Here I am on the verge of my 80th birthday… and I have to say, with all that has gone wrong with the world in my life time.. this is the worse.  It isn’t so much about the virus itself…and that is bad for those who have it…. But the panic I have seen… the disregard of common sense and some times even nastiness of it all. 

Thankfully I have also seen (not personally) others who have come to the plate to help… Kindness… some going further than others..  There is a young man, who was able to get some supplies, and was going from senior apartments door to door, to see if they were ok, and if they needed the commonest of supplies. Did they have enough toilet paper as he had some he could share.. Tissues, wipes. Did they need a ride to the store?  Or did they need something from the store.. And he would go get it.. take it back to them.  If they didn’t have cash, he paid for it himself.   If they had a check, he would take that..but if not, the let them have it for free.   He started a page on Facebook .. asking for people to join him.. To pass the word of need, so he could help.  And people did.. Some couldn’t physically help, but had extra supplies for him to pass out with..  Or they gave money for him, to buy where he could.   Some went and got some things at the store and gave it to him to pass.  
He is not the only one.. There are sewers who have been asking for material so they could make cloth mask for the hospital, dr offices and nursing homes.. And the request was answered by those who had lots of material.. by those who sewed and would help.. By those who had elastic bands or rubber bands for the ears holders.. The offers were plenty for material..
There are those who offered to come help in anyway… for senior citizens.. with letters from the dr. saying they were healthy.. so the senior didn’t have to worry.  There are even teens who answer the call.   We have post office mail.. in a lot of towns instead of door delivery… Some have offered to those who trust them.. to get their mail and mail out their bills for them.. 
It does my heart good to see all of these people.
We have gone to our favorite restaurants and bought take outs.. and adding tips to the workers who take our orders.. so they still get their tips, even tho we aren’t in there…  Sadly we were notified last night, that our most popular one has folded..   Lack of supplies…  I hope and pray this continues when this mess is over... That there will always be kindness.. we need it .. KINDNESS. 

We have an influx of people in RV’s coming in from California.. there were 8 in one grocery parking lot and 5 at another.. We know this is not going to be the last of them…  Florida already put a quarantine on people from New York…with New York’s high rate of virus.

So be safe out there people…  hope you are finding something to keep you busy…   My go to place is yard work. Got some yard art from a friend.. so redoing the paint on them…  Also digging up flower gardens that have gone wild on me..  And Yahtzee.. oh my God.. the King loves it.. and we play 3 times A DAY!!... When the grim reaper comes to get me.. with his ratting chains… I will think it is the dice and yell YAHTZEE… lol..  got to have a sense of humor..
Hope you can find something to smile about too. 
God Bless

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