Sunday, March 15, 2020



Know what scares me the most?  It isn’t Trump .. it isn’t even the virus.   It is YOU..  the Public… The panic of over buying what you can not really afford to spend on products you don’t need. You spreading false information about the virus.   That you are willing to ruin small business by not going to the stores or restaurants that you would normal going to either daily or 3 times a week. 

Those business can NOT afford to close their doors for 2 or 3 weeks. They have employees who can not afford to not have wages because no one comes and the business close.  The closer of schools where there is no virus, throws the family in to chaos.  They can’t afford a day care.. if any are open… so that means one of the parents have to stay home to take care of the kids during the school closures of weeks.. Which cuts their finances in half. 

All because no one uses common sense.. It is happen in my own county… all these cutting your visits to the small business. Closing of school and others …like churches… There is NOT  ONE  CASE of the virus with in over 1000 miles of here..  There is none in Montana and only one in Idaho that is over 8 hours ways.. but there has been 2 in Spokane in the past 3 days.... Still we are so far pretty well protected.... that I don't take for granted... Yet everyone panicked  
There has been 1,349 cornonavirus cases in THE UNITED STATES.. with only 39 deaths…since it started 3 weeks ago…39 deaths in 3 weeks..  YET .. DO YOU KNOW…
Do you know there are an average of 27,000 plus accidents per day? And an average of 109 plus people die per day from those crashes?
So your odds of getting in a car accident is about 20 per cent or more … more than getting the virus.. AND YET YOU GET IN YOUR CAR EVERY MORNING AND DRIVE…  what 4 miles to 60 miles to work? Or where ever?   Knowing you could be in an accident any given day.. for the rest of your life.  Yet in a mere 2 week.. you are scared to death you are going to die from the virus..

The nation has to use common sense.. Towns and cities have to use common sense..  Yes, Seattle and a few other have had deaths. But one has to ask.. how many of those elderly in nursing home would have died with out the virus.   I worked in a nursing home for 17 + years..  In that time.. every fall..  we had student nurses come in and give flu shots to the residents… we average 10 death with in a week. Yet not one freaked out.  They were older.. it happens.. so one has to wonder..

I am not making light of the virus. It is serious if you do have it. It is horrible if you have an elderly family member who has breathing problem in the first place.. get this virus..   I have a husband over the age of 60 who has not the best breathing problems.. I am going to be 80 soon.. And yes, I have told family we are not going to have a party (which can involve over 30 people traveling for it) because we want everyone to be safe. Common sense..  But I refuse to feed into the paranoid frenzy that is going on..  IF they all live in town, I would invite them to dinner with us.

I will not spend money I could not afford to out buy everyone else. I know those large paks of toilet paper sell for $17 to $21 each.. How someone can afford 10 to 20 paks without charging it and putting yourself in a financial bind with all the other outrageous product you have over bought… is beyond me.   No you are not buying for your neighbor… because if you were would have 4 paks…

Please for the love of God, stop this panic mind set. STOP TODAY. TURN THIS AROUND.. use common sense.. if it is in your area.. wash your hands… OFTEN…  stay away from crowds if you are one of groups that could get it easily.  But the rest of you.. go on living your daily lives like you were in November… Like you would if you knew one of your neighbors had the common cold..

As FDR said .. The only thing we have to fear is fear itself…
So for those of in the elderly group… and the virus is not within 100 miles from you.. PLEASE  go to those stores and restaurants you love so much..  because if  you don’t..   they very well won’t be there  in 2 weeks.  And if they fail.. we all fail..

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