Wednesday, March 25, 2020

What does one do, when one stays home for weeks.. lha

So with the shut down of everything.. and wondering what to with all this extra time.. I have been reading my magazine.. cleaning high shelves and working outside.. 

these are some yard art that was giving to me by a sweet man I know.. since he was a mere baby..Kyle..
they will be a project for a while.. as some of them need to be sanded down and repainted... the smaller ones are fine. 

Then with all the wind, it cost me my old flag.. which got tore and wrapped around the top of the pole and got tore some more.. So took down the pole while the King was having a nap.. he said he would get to it tomorrow.. well, knowing tomorrow has a knack of not coming today... I did it myself. and added some stones/rocks around the base.. 

Next up was the side flower garden.. that the tubs and etc. have gotten so our of hand... that they are mashing on top of each other.. and I wanted them gone.. they were tigerlilies like.. So dug them up.. picket them up and threw them over the stone short wall... and when the King came home we put them in the truck and he took them to the dump

So you see I took this shirt to heart.... hope you all are surviving..
and staying healthy..

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