Thursday, March 27, 2008

Just another day???

As Easter came and went, one thing
that came to mind. What happen to
Easter? The Easter I was raised with?

In my childhood, it was all about dress
up. Suits for the boys & men, and
dresses for women & the girls.
Hats, white gloves. Church.

And big family dinners. Easter Parade.
Even on television... the New York
Easter Parade. Did they have one this

I didn't see all of the ads about the
clothes for Easter. I'm sure they must
have been in the paper, but where
is all the dress up people?

Some how the holiday part kind of
disappears when the kids get grown.

And just for the record.. I didn't dress
up either. It was a nice part of pants,
a spring like pull over shirt, and sneakers.

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