Remember a long time ago in the 1990's or late 1980's
Our President Bush Sr. told us about the trickle down
system? That somehow by the rich spending money
and saving on taxes, that money would trickle down to
us poorer people.
Well, I waited and waited for that trickle down to come
my way. And after about 20 years I gave up on that.
Even told the King, maybe the trickle down system
was good after all. After all the bad economy had not
come down so hard on us. At least not as hard as
it had on the higher income people...
But on Wednesday, I got word.... the trickle down system
was going to work for us after all. After all these YEARS!!,
it is finally going to be here for me. I got the word in the mail.
As I am sure there are some others. The Stimulus package
has reached me. Those sweet words.....It said.....
"Good news! The economic recovery bill that our
President Obama signed into law in February 2009 provides
for a one time payment of $250 to retirement beneficiaries.
You should receive your payment by late May 2009. "
Well, thank you, President Obama, for finally letting the
trickle down system get to little old me....
Ireland 2025: Day Two
11 hours ago