Thursday, April 23, 2009

pillows and one of those days...

Today seems like one of those day, so these pictures seem to apply.

What makes these pictures a little more than the usual lazy cat pictures is the pillow.
When the King and I were cleaning out the back room a while back, I came across this
pillow. I don't remember who made it and gave it to me. But I took it and threw it on
the chair and it slide off the chair and on to the floor. Where Rokon found it and seems
to like it... So what is so different about that... as you can see from the picture below,
why it seem kind of comical she picked out this pillow above all others available in the


Mari Meehan said...

That's either eerie or wonderful. I'll vote for wonderful!

MarmiteToasty said...

Now that is to dam cute......
