Sunday, June 28, 2009

Tree gone....

as you saw yesterday, this was what was left of the tree.... a bowl. Which I thought
was kind of neat. Not bad...until I walked up on the porch and saw only the inside.
I had visions of plants inside.... but..King took one look and, this has to go. So this early morning, and I do mean early... 7:30a.m.... under my protest in defense
of the neighborhood, he started up the chainsaw to drown out my protest.

Misty can't believe it.... who took my tree? That was her hideway in the winter,
when she ran under to do her business, without snow or rain...

So there it is... naked, gone, exposed to the dust and wind.....

And the King promised to find a hedge like to replace the tree. Something
that gives us the protection, something that Misty will be pleased with, and
something that doesn't stop the snow from sliding down off the roof...
We will see. I gave him until Sept. to have this stump gone and it's replacement
in place.
The King hates trees because of the leaves. Which this was an evergreen so
wasn't a problem so to speak. I love trees...


MarmiteToasty said...

Without the pine thingie there, one can see your pretty house....

Weeping Willow, plant a weeping willow :)


Mari Meehan said...

Now you'll have to keep that window washed!