Wednesday, July 29, 2009

You can't get there from here....

This is the cement grinder being unloaded, laying it down is the sealer..

You can't get there from here

Seems to be the word of the day or week.
Not only is my road being done but about
1/3 of the streets are being done.

Also we have several projects around town
being done. So as I went to the post office
the other day, I was detoured 4 times.
I left the post office and headed to the
highway, and came back in on my road.

Today, I am suppose to go somewhere at
10am. And usually when they are working on
the roads, they are done with my section by
9 ...9:30am ....then they bring back the equipment
about 3, as it is stored at the end of our dead end
street. So hope I can get out in in 45 minutes.

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