Wednesday, November 20, 2013

Canada actually has out done us...

We all know about Spitzer and Wiener of New York.
There are many stories of Congress men, acting badly. 
Now we have a Congressman from Florida who was found on drugs. And of course the many, many Congressmen who have been found drunk over the years.  Even a local city south of us, had their own council person acting badly... and even to the south west of us. Our government officials have nothing  to brag about being squeaky clean. 

But believe it or not.. Canada has out done our government guys. Rob Ford, Mayor of Toronto. Stripped of his powers of Mayor, by a 34 to 5 vote. 5 people after hearing he does crack, buys crack by his own admission..... has the most unusual behavior.. and those 5 still thought
he should keep his powers of Mayor!!  He has refused to step down, and for some reason the council can't get rid of him until next fall when they have their next election. Or at least one of the councilmen told a reporter.

By the way, am I the only one who thinks he looks like Rush Limbaugh?

This buffoon, admits to doing crack, and so many other things.. and at the council meeting that was going to strip him of his powers.. he ended up running like a girl around a series of people in chairs, rounds the corner and knocks over a woman council person...  as the gallery yells
"shame, shame, shame.   And he is recorded at the council meeting while someone else is talking.. doing antics of a person driving and drinking drunkenly, not just once but several times...making fun of a fellow council person.. Like he a lot of room to criticize.  

As I was watching all of this on the news and later on the Daily Show, I thought how it looked like some bad comedy show.. and people were laughing on the Daily Show... and I am sure there were lots laughing in the homes who watched these antics...  And of course, those of us in the good old USA, laugh, and think.. wow.. and we thought our guys

were bad. This guy makes ours look like choir boys.  

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