Tuesday, November 05, 2013

Maybe some peace and quiet?

Today is Tuesday... election day...
Which locally is almost non day...
We have two council persons running for office..
with no one running against them.  So it will be
interesting to see how many of the good people
will show up to vote.

And this is sad, as I don't know of anyone running on
the county election.. so will see what is on the paper when
I get there.  There was plenty of others running in the other
cities and a couple of close races..

We get Spokane channels for our television viewing...so
there is plenty to see, for who wins what in the state of
Washington... I don't recall who is running for what..
but there is one really high profile law that is going to
get voted on... 522... that is the number we have been
bombarded with commercials for the past couple of months.

That is one I am interested in seeing how it does.. The
committee for it.. have been way under funded compared to
those who don't want it... By a thousand dollars per one dollar that the yes people have.  It is the bill for the labeling GMO food...  The No people have been less than truthful.  And because of that, I am afraid it will fail...

The Yes people have brought out their guns in the past week.
But don't know if it will do any good.  The main reason it will
fail, is because many think it was poorly written.  And they
could be right..  If I lived in Washington state, I would vote
yes, and correct some of the exceptions in the bill later. 
But  I am afraid that the vote will throw out the baby with the
bath water..  Meaning rather than fix some of the exception,
they will vote no.. And why that bothers me is.. I am afraid
that other states will not try the bill, feeling the people aren't

I personally have been watching the GMO project. I have
heard some horror stories about people getting sick. I have
a friend who has family in North Dakota, where there is a lot
of GMO corn... and they have lost 1/3 of their bees in their
hives before they found out it was because of the GMO
I want to know what is in my food... The company that is practicing this.. has spend an awful lot of money to protect
their products.. one such bill was to have it so people can't sue them if they get sick from it. I don't know if they got it passed yet. They pretty well have the federal  government sewed up with protecting their rights.

Yet there are at least 67 countries or more, that have made it where it has to be labeled... 67 countries can't all be wrong.

Some people have said... they figured what they don't know, doesn't hurt them... kind of reminded me of the old movie Stephen King movie Soylent Green.

But what ever the outcome.. we will have some quiet time after the dust settles.  And God help us next year... 

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