Monday, December 02, 2013

Too much food...

They came, we ate.... it was like a Roman Feast.. each year we all
gather around the table...  A Roman Feast, with so much food.
Except we were not dressed in toga's.  Which probably would
not be a bad idea, considering how we felt after we ate... and

In our house hold, there is the sharing of the leftovers.. Containers
are filled ... each threaten with bodily harm, if they didn't take their
share.  Some even delighted in taking it home.. with thoughts of
eating leftovers that night.  Myself.. I didn't want to see food for
at least 24 hours and then only slightly.

Maybe next year, we will have turkey and green salad... Got to have turkey... and green salad will fill the rest.  Only trouble, we may not get any takers to participate in this new menu.

By the way, did you know that pumpkin pie taste good  for breakfast.

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