Monday, June 09, 2014

And the race starts..kind of..

There is a lot of talk about who is going to run
for President in 2016.  Right now, that is what
it is all about.. talk.  

But if one is not.. why is one talking to Diane Sawyer
for an hour about one's life.  Would it be testing the
waters?  See how people react to the show?

Frankly, I am glad they aren't doing anything more
than talk.. it seems like the election season is forever

So far, those who are talking.. Clinton, Cruz and a few
others.. both sides... are scary.. Surely there has to be
someone who has common sense, and doesn't carry
extra baggage.

Most with that.. don't want to run.. they don't want their
lives dissected, their families dissected. Lies thrown
around and no one cares that they are lies or not, just
as long as it sells papers, and causes a media freezy.

The rest scare the hell out of us. And then you have
the corporate that will spend all kinds of money to
buy the candidate of their choice, not ours.

Elections have never been pretty, but if possible,
they have gotten worse.     

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