Monday, June 30, 2014


We went to see our out laws over the weekend...
As we were traveling back, I could look at the beauty
of the landscape.

Although I did miss one opportunity of some shots
of the rock type hill side.. I was to enthralled with
the beauty of it... and also my thoughts each time
I watch them as we fly by at 65 mph.  And that is,
what it was like when the Indians had the land.
The sight of an indian up on the top of the ridge,
looking across the valley, which we were traveling
across.  Or was the valley full of trees?  And was
there other Indians on the ridge across the valley?
Is this where smoke signals were sent?...

What ever it was, in the land of 200 years ago,
the beauty is still there, but different. The openess
of it it all.

What is the old saying, pictures say a thousand
words?  So I will shut my mouth and let the pictures
do the talking

 Misty sleeping thru the trip...
 On my lap 

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