Thursday, May 28, 2015

School teachers walk out...

Today, there are several school districts teachers
 who have voted to walk out.  Some are taking
the high road and going to walk out the last day of
school for this years...

Should they have  walked yesterday? That is questionable.
Will those that walk out on the 12... the last day of
school.. will it matter as much?  I don't know the answer.

They aren't walking because of the district and wages.
They are walking because of the State of Washington
congress is not listening to them.  They want smaller
classes... better computers and etc.  So it isn't so much
about them personally, as it is for the kids.. this time.

As I watch on the news (even though we live in
Idaho.. we get our news from the Spokane stations,
so that means mostly Washington state news). I was
struck by the age of the teachers.  There were a few
young ones but the ones that were up front and
expressing their displeasure were the older ones..
which struck me kind of funny.. Funny ha ha that is.
Are these the same generation that walked in
protest marches of years past?  Like the 1970's?
When they were in college?  The sit downs and

Also I wonder what is it this teaches the students?
That if you don't like what  your boss is doing, you
walk out as a group?  Now before I get attacked by
the union people..   I will say, I understand why
they are walking..  hope it works for them.. as this

time they are walking for the kids sake.  

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