Last night as I was heading to bed,
I was wondering what the heck was
I going to blog today. I had nothing.
Not a thought.
When I do an opinion type blog,
like yesterdays, I do it with the
idea, it is my idea of how I feel.
Knowing full well that a lot of
people may not agree with me.
And that is fine with me. I think
that is what makes life interesting.
Well, you can imagine how blown
away I was, when I open this morning's
paper. There I saw in huge headlines, my
thoughts of yesterday. Now don't get me
wrong. I don't think the writer saw my
blog and wrote the story. After talking
to an AP writer several months ago, I
know that their ideas are not off the
top of their head that evening. Then
run it in the paper the next morning,
like a blog is done most of the time.
They get an idea and have it well
researched and thought out. Being
able to quote people and etc. Unless
it is breaking news, of course.
So I took it as their views matched
mine. That I was not the only one
who thought that American Idol
is mean, bully, or what ever tag
you want to give it.
I had not read anywhere about my
views of yesterday. I had read about
how the Gay Organization was upset
over one of the programs. And of
course we have heard about Simon's
remarks being cutting. But being I
haven't watched the first 6 or 8 program
of each series, I didn't know about how
bad it gets, until Tuesday as I was
walking thru the living room several
times during the show.
The article didn't take the stand as
I did on how it effects the children.
Rather they took it on the general
public stand. They have the sources
for talking to people in the know. So
they found out the view is, this is to
keep it fresh. So common decency
goes out the window to keep a show
fresh. Sad.
Very sad, for our view of entertainment.
On a Snowy Day
9 hours ago
That has happened to me to Cis. I do believe that mainstream papers 'glean' off of bloggers. Many represent the view of the people and they gather material that way - then looking like they were on the forefront of the opinion. It is kinda like being 'blackballed' -- you just can't prove it.
It is snowing like crazy here, Cis. Gotta go to a really sad funeral mass today and it's really bothering me. Read your piece and decided, for sure, that today, after the mass, is going to be a fine day for the seed and perennial catalogs. Can't miss. xo
It is snowing like crazy here, Cis. Gotta go to a really sad funeral mass today and it's really bothering me. Read your piece and decided, for sure, that today, after the mass, is going to be a fine day for the seed and perennial catalogs. Can't miss. xo
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