Monday, April 10, 2006

Is that You Arthur?

I hate it when I go to bed,
in perfect health and wake
the next morning with some
part of my body gone out of
There ought to be a law against
it. What you are, should be what
you will be in the morning.
After all, you are just laying there.
Minding your own business.
What can go wrong?
Friday night I went to bed, no
problems at all. I wake on
Saturday morning, about 4am.
My wrist is screaming in pain.
Did I lay on it wrong? Did it get
caught when I turn over? I don't
have the vaguest idea. But I can
tell you, it felt like it was broke.
The pain starts at my wrist going
down to the hand between my
little finger and the next one.
No position helps. Up in the air,
hanging down, across my chest.
Nothing but pain. This can't be
Arthur. That is in finger joints.
For the life of me I don't know
what it is. But here now,after
a night of Icy Hot and being
wrapped, it is an ache not a
severe pain.
But I am mad as hell, and
I am not going to take it
anymore. Like as if I could
do something about it.
Monday morning and I am
back to what ever is called
Some days are roses, some
are thorns...

1 comment:

Mari Meehan said...

Ah, Cis! Do I ever identify with you. And Maureen's Mom!