Yesterday was a great day.
Not just because it was my
birth day. But it was busy.
Busy with people. First
call came in at 6:20am
from one of my son's.
He called from work.
Then my brother in R.I.
shortly after that. All
during the day, off and
on calls from friends
and two more kids check
in with their families.
My daughter came over
with her boyfriend. My
grandson gave me a
funny funny card. My
daughter & T, a sweet card.
This year the King and
I made out well with cards.
Lined up almost as many
as Christmas cards.
But to top it all off... we
went to dinner. As we
started to eat, a woman
walk by and then step
back. Her and her son.
She yelled my name. My
mind was a blank. (I hate
that one down side of age).
It was a friend I have had
for 37 years. I had not seen
her for 5 years. She had gotten
remarried and moved to
France. She is here visiting
her kids and grandchildren,
and her sister.
Her son I had not seen since
he was 15! and he introduced
me to a young lady that was
with him. I thinking it was his
girlfriend/wife. It was his 15
year old daughter!! I am barely
getting over the fact he isn't
15 anymore.. We had a wonderful
visit during dinner and exchanged
address and email address.
A great topping on anyone's
But the fun wasn't over. See I
found the down side of cell phones.
I was talking to my oldest son on
the phone. The cell phone rings,
and the King answers it. After a bit
he yells at me in the kitchen, who
are you talking to for so long! I tell
him I am talking to my oldest. And
he says well, this is # 4 son here on
your cell.
We had great laughs as the boys
bantered back and forth with us.
Messages of how one is more
important that the other. "How
Mom loves me more." "How I am
the oldest and known her longer."
So exchanging phones we both
got to talk to them and their
wonderful wives.
Yesterday I had said it was
just another day in Bedrock..
but it was a great day ... a great
day to turn 66.
All in a Day
16 hours ago
Mom feels bad cuz she didn't know it was your birthday. Happy belated birthday from little me!!!
Happy Belated Birthday Cis! Many, many returns of the day to you in 2006. xxxoooo
Happy Belated BIrthday too! We all celebrate when we get that blogger's huckleberry pick in order!
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