Saturday, April 26, 2008

Spring day at a time

Well, it has been yard work from 10am on. Now at 2, I am beat.
I have a feeling I will find muscles I haven't used for some time,
by morning...

My arms are bleeding from pruning roses and tying them. But I
am happy. With dirt under my nails, rips in my skin, and sun on
my back..I am a happy camper.

This is one of my climbers and I finally got it under control...
I think...

The bird feeder is full, the spinners are out, and snow still in the mountains.

The patio gazebo made it thru the winter... surprisingly it only was bent in on

area and it can be fixed... Can't wait to get the top on it again. There is the

plane spinner on the deck. And the bike ready to go.

The pond is a mess, but that will have to be another day or weekend...

And the King calling for help? He can't decide... fishing or work on the pickup

frame? Ah, I settled it for him... he is outside thatching the lawns... Don't

feel too bad for him...he got some shore fishing done this morning...

4 o'clock sun..... that is my birthday present from my daughter out there. It is two spinning circle sprinkler...

Been a long day for the pup, she is tired out....

1 comment:

Mari Meehan said...

Well, you answered your own question. Spring is in your own backyard...and ours!