Misty decided to help out by pulling the weeds on her side
But I think the heat got to her, as she found a shaded part and laid down to sleep.
Now these little babies where the ones I was trying to keep. Sure wish they would grow where I wanted them to grow.
As you can see I was busy on Saturday
before the big heat wave hit. Although it
wasn't exactly cool either.
So I decided to do the short piece along the
fence next to the driveway. There are all kind
of wild violet that are growing there this year.
Which is odd as the King had sprayed well,
last year in that area, as we really don't want
anything growing. I put out pots there, but
we don't encourage flowers.
As you can see the violet which I think takes
after cats... does it's own thing. I have tried
over the years to put these in pots, or at least
put them in the flower garden. But they are
persistence about growing where they darn
well, want to. I never know from year to year,
where they are going to pop up or how many.
I have seen just one lonely one in the middle
of the lawn. Or two or three by rocks.. you just
never know.
As I sat on my cow stool... see way at the end. In the first picture..
I thinking about how the King had said ...
"Men's work outside... women's work inside"
remark. Then why was I outside doing the weeding?
Maybe he has had a change of heart about that.
Ever since I told him, if women's work was inside,
then that meant he couldn't use my kitchen. And
that man does love to cook. Guess he has changed
his mind.