Friday, June 20, 2008

When a Village helps out....

Anyone who has ever did volunteer work,
has found that they get more than they give.

Especially when it is a friend. So when some
one who we all love dearly, who isn't too well,
wished his house was painted this year...
A large group, got together, planned,
organized, and directed the work to be

These couple of days and two more to go, a
bunch of people have been in and out doing
work. Some return everyday, some could
only do a day or two. Some cook food because
they couldn't work, or can't paint and scrape.

There was fun, laughter, and great workmanship
among all. No egos involved. Everyone with the
good of the project in mind only.
And everyone went home each day,tired...
but the smile on the recipient... was worth
every minute of the day.

This is the woman who did the organizing, and the lead man

Part of the crew doing 3 levels of the wall

This is Paul, that smile made it all worthwhile... he was our sidewalk Supervisor

Coming down from painting the 3rd level

Crew of day 1

Crew of day 2
Lunch provided by Margaret and Helen...

And we are heading out for day

1 comment:

MarmiteToasty said...

Beautiful, you are all so beautiful.....