Monday, July 20, 2009

Looking out the Window...

I feel like I did when I was in school as a kid.
Sitting here looking out the window and wishing
I was there.

I have to get the wash done, straighten up the
weekend mess, and all the usual Monday stuff.
And write my blog as I forgot to do one last night
for today.

So as I wishfully look out the window, I bid you
a good bye for today... I am going to go out and
work in the yard while the temps are not bad, and
just enough wind to keep it cool.

I can do inside work later, when the temp hits
93 today. Hope you are having a great day today
during this wonderful weather. After all only
60 more days of summer.

1 comment:

Linda said...

60 more days of summer is music to my ears. I hate summers. I hate summer clothes. I hate everything about summer.

I think I lived it Texas too long. People in Portland run with their faces open to the sun to drink it in. I run for shade. I don't even like to think about that warm feeling on your skin when the sun is bearing down.

I think I've become an Oregonian. If we go more than a week without cloud cover and some drizzle I think we're in a drought. I miss it.