Thursday, July 18, 2013

Gosh, my kids are getting old...

You notice I didn’t say I was.. just my kids…

Today…50 years ago… I had this little boy.. with dark
hair.. I question if he was really mine, as his two sister’s
before him, had peach fuzz and color hair.. So to see
this little guy with almost black hair.. and almost side burns,
(much to his father’s delight)… well, I was surprised.

All my children (sorry but I call them my kids) are unique in
their own way.. I love each and everyone of them.. As in all
families there are ups and downs.. So out of 8.. I love them
all, but 6 of them and I see eye to eye…  A few of them will
tell you that they are the favorite one… and that is true.. of
each of them.. ha ha…

This child is #3.. is my oldest son. (I don’t use their names to
protect their privacy.)  He came in the middle of the night, or
rather the early morning.. about 1:30am.  He was the delight
of his father… and of course, me.  And he lived up to that
all of his life. Even the bumpy times.

He was a kid on the go… He had figured out the neighbor
had the cookies.. so he figured out how to pull up the fence,
to escape to the neighbor’s porch and politely knocked on
the door and say “COOKIE?”…  I had him in a wooden
playpen, to keep him in view of my kitchen window, so
I could at least get the dishes washed.  He found a way
to remove the slates.  He went on to scare the beejees
out of me, not being satisfied with sitting on the glider, on
the swing set, but to stand on the handles on each side,
and swing the glider as fast as he could.. swing out about 6
feet each way at full blast, before I could get out of the house, jump the fence and quietly talk him down… I didn’t want to scare him and have him let go.
I had a girlfriend watch him, when I went to have his 3rd
sister in the hospital.. I got home at noon (in those day
you could just stay over night) to a call of …could I pick
him up.. Seems that he was in one mess after the other.
She would be cleaning up mess #1, while her husband
was picking up mess #2, and he was in mess #3…they
couldn’t keep up. He was also known to climb up dressers
by pulling out the drawer slightly, getting to the top and
jump down to the bed below.. how he kept the dresser
from fall back over him, I don’t know.

At the age of 5, he taught his sister to back off… as they
were always bossing him around.  One day as a calf bull
came over to the yard, he mounted the bucking bull, and
held on for at least a minute before hitting the ground.
Much to his sister’s horror. They just knew he was going
to get killed and they were going to get killed for not stopping him. As he brushed himself off, grinning, he pushed his oldest sister in the chest, as she ran up… and told her to back off.
She had new respect for him there after.. and slowed down
some of the bossiness.   

He loves the woods, and that is where he works. He is a tree
topper… among other things.. Has worked in the woods for
over 30 years. One time being hit by a widow maker.. knocking out his arm from the shoulder socket..went down while waiting for his partner, and grabbed ahold of the truck tailgate, and pulled it back in place. Thank goodness I find out about this adult mishaps a few days to a week later.. as he lives 8 hours from us.

He and his beautiful wife, have 4 children 7 grandchildren, and live the life they both love with a farm, animals, motorcycles, boats, and family surrounding them. .

SO HAPPY BIRTHDAY #1 SON….  May the next 50 be as
much fun for you…

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