Monday, January 20, 2014

Spies and Privacy.....

We had a don't ask....don't tell association with our
government until the end of the 60's. It was Vietnam
war thrown in our living rooms nightly that the people
saw war.  Before, the only association we had with war
was what was written in the newspapers (and that was
mostly what the government allowed for security reasons..  
LOOSE LIPS SINK SHIPS era) and Uncle Joe/ brother
Fred, or Harry or the neighbor's son, Manny.. going over
seas to war, and never came back. Or came back a
changed person. With WWII ending in 1945 and the
Korean being a policing not war, and kept low keyed.
The kids who went to Vietnam were drafted and
riding on the war stories of the bravery from Uncles,
brother's and neighbors who gave high lights of war.
And then of course, the movies kind of glorified the wars
as well. It was when they got there after a peaceful 20
years and playing war games at the different bases,
that they came to face of the war. The blood and guts of it.
The body bags they help load up as they exited the
plane that brought them there. And that is when the
American people came face to face part of it.
And they protested. They didn't want to  go over there,
they didn't want their son's going over there. So
they became draft dodges, running to Canada.

So where am I going with all of this? Why am I confused? I am confused because of the past year of the people who are horrified about the secrets of the government. That we are spying on everyone. And more than anything, spying on Americans.
So let's take the easy part first. Spying on other nations.
Since Snowden, other nations are screaming about who,
what and when of spying on them.
Give me a break. Why are they upset? They protest too
much. Why? Because they have been spying on us since
we have become a nation. And on each other for 100's of
years. Germans, Russians, Africa  and so many other
countries. they have been spying on each other as well
as on us. How else have they gone to war and won, some..
certain areas.. since the 1600's, 1700's, 1800's, 1900's
as well as the 2000's. 

Ok, we got the easy one out of the way. Now about the
spying on our own. We are a complexed and multiple ideals nation. We don't have 100% honest, "USA, is the greatest
nation ever", citizens.  We have so many different radical
groups in our nation. There are groups in the western part
of our nation that the East Coast have no clue are alive and
well. Groups who "say"  they are just protecting themselves
and the family. Yet given a chance.. if they thought they could
pull it off would try to over throw our government. 
Think Tim McViegh and his group. The Montana Militia
and those alike. Heck there are more than I know about.
These are home grown groups, our own born and raised
here in good old USA, people.
Then you have the ones who come here to do bodily
harm to America. World Trade Center building group,
the Boston marathon bomb guys. How long where they
here? Years. So, yes, we need spying on the citizens.
And if it take them finding those, by tripping across my
stuff too.. so be it.. I understand it is upsetting to you, the
hard working guy/gal who goes to work each day.
Plays  on your days off.. and only just want to pay your
bills and have enough to raise your family. And would
never do anything against this great country of ours.
But sadly, you are not the only one in this nation.
So if they have to observe your neighbor, who is making
bombs in his basement.. so be it.

Oh, yea.. some of you.. a lot of you.. including myself.. don't scream PRIVACY.. when you are splattering your life across the internet. You do know .. not only is your nation watching and reading ... but also some creep in African or another county is watching you too.

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