Wednesday, August 13, 2014

Busy August

I don't know what it is about August, but it seems to be
the busiest of the summer..

You would think that June would be, with all the yard work
and clean up, with planting thrown in.

July could even be busy, with the 4th of July and many trips
to the beach, or catch up lunches after winter is over.

But for us it is August. Either we are going somewhere, or
people are coming to our place. And then there are the
bar-b-ques.  Seems like every weekend is one, and some
throw in during the week.

I end up having to keep track on the calendar. Marking
ones we have agreed to attend, and ones that we are
putting on.. when we will be out of town for the weekend
or someone is coming.. Because there is no way I will
remember it all.. Since when did I become a social person?

Is it because we know this is the last month of the summer?
And we can't believe that we only have 2 or 3 weeks left?
Where the heck did the summer go?  Seem like I was just

getting ready for the 4th of July. 

1 comment:

Big Piney Woods Cats said...

Sounds wonderful Cis! I envy you.
