It is looking like the King will
be joining the unemployment line again.
He has had his days cut to the bone.
And talk of the store closing until summer.
It is all up in the air at this time.
So we decided to break down and invest
more in to an antenna for the DTV. We have
cable but that is going to have to go. As it
is, in the 4 months we have had it, we have
had to go thru many outages as they fix
the new system, getting ready for digital.
And also they raised the price. We got the
lowest they had, but still, it is getting more
than we can afford without the King's job,
and especially with the new school levy
coming up at the end of the month.
We decided our 1970 something antenna,
which we got at St. Vinnie's for $5, has to
go, as we weren't getting anywhere with it.
All we could get was Channel 4.1. and .2.
Rest no signal.
We invested in a reasonable and proven
antenna, that can receive 13 or so channels.
So yesterday the fight started. Yes, fight.
Both with the antenna and somewhat with
us. The more frustrated we became, the
bluer the air was. The King made a bracket.
Put the antenna up, and we got 25 per cent signal,
after walking around the yard with the antenna
in hand.. it was 25 to 33. Then in frustration, the
King bent it down as he pulled something out
of his pocket, and it was at 65 per cent. I
yelled out, hey there it is... yea, right.
Reminded me of the old days when we use to
do antenna on the roof top. And when the one
on top was almost falling off the roof, and
standing on one leg.... and have the one in the
house yells, THAT'S IT.. and if you breathed,
they would yell, what the heck did you do? It
is gone!
Today was a new day, and we had new nerves,
so we went out and tried today. So up went the
pipe into the air 10 feet. Back to the same thing.
Went out and turn it ever so slowly, and then got
mad and spun it around backwards... the signal
was still at 35.
Decided to try the other side of the house where
the dish use to be. And yes, we did have a stronger
signal. 55 to 69. But still no 2,6, 22,28..or even 7.
We got the walkie talkies out so he could talk to
me as he turned. Still nothing...
After all the work of about 4 hours, and starting to
put things away, I had these rabbit ears for a radio,
and for a kick, I hooked it up to the box... I got a
perfect picture with 24 per cent signal. Channel 4.1
4.2 and 4.3. I didn't know if I should laugh or cry.
When the King was talking to a guy who does
this for a living, the guy said everyone was
having trouble today.. and they think it had some
thing to do with the ice on the translators towers.
Well, that frosted me... all that work! and why is
it when we had the antenna last year, we didn't
have problems with the ice on the towers?
And if I see that guy who is on television who says,
oh, it is so easy, just plug this cable into here, and
the antenna one into here and there you are. Being
I try to keep this blog fairly family friendly, I won't tell
you, what we think of him and his as easy as that bit.
Yep, I know the King has had it, and we are leaving
it alone for a couple of days, so we can regain our
tempers for this. We have had as much fun as we
can stand for a while.
Saturday Slight
13 hours ago
Just don't lose your computer and you'll be okay! Lol.
Even if dial up is as slow as molasses!
Oh bugger :( sorry about Kings job....I will send you chocolate to cheer you up..... at times of doubt eat chocolate.....
Please do not loose your computer...... if that looks like its possible then you bloody tell me and I will sort something out....
I remember me father on the roof with the telly aerial lol..... we still have a telly aerial on our roof but its not connected to anything. remember the dangling wire post that I did yonks ago, well that was the telly wire LOL
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