Sunday, February 08, 2009

weekend silliness

One of the cartoons I follow is Pickles.... and the grandmother talks about
C.O.L. (cat on lap) well, I have d.o. s. and that makes blogging harder

d.o.s. (dog on shoulder), she seems to enjoy sitting here and some times sleeping.
Can't say she is keeping an eye on what I write, as the wrong end is pointing that
direction..but then again that might be how she espress her opinion of the blog.

1 comment:

MarmiteToasty said...

LOL@your dog....... our fat cat when Im on the computer always lays next to the keyboard, but if lean over and almost rest me chin on the table she jumps onto my neck and shoulders and lays there LOL.....

its cos they love us right? :)
