Wednesday, December 12, 2012

Tune in thee Head

I was reading a friend’s blog, and she mention Dr. Zhivago,

and so I have been humming that dang song all night and today

as well.. And I do love that song.. Actually it is a tune as I have

never heard the words… Lara’s Theme… I loved that movie as well.

And yes she mention my favorite part, the horse and sleigh going

across the field in a Russian winter wonderland. I own the movie.

But my VHS player doesn’t work.. so can’t watch it.


Funny how tunes hit you, without you knowing it is sneaking up

on you… I can remember a time when the King and I were heading

to Coeur d’ Alene on day, and he started humming, like one does,

without thinking..  Then he cussed.. as it was the song from Winnie

the Pooh, “I am just a little raindrop”… Which was from one of the

Winnie the Pooh movies that my grandson, at that time must have

watched at least 6 times a day. And that is the reason why the King

was cussing. He was so sick of that movie.


Every once in a while a tune will slip up on me.. and it is from about

40 or 50 years ago… “It is about time, it is about space, it is about the

human race”… that is all I remember but it comes to me in the weirdest

times. It is from a show called It is about Time, with Imogene Coca and

Joey someone.. about cavemen coming to the future..   


Then there is the one that sneaks in, when I am stressed out… I hum

it each time… every time..  it is Amazing Grace… for some reason that

seems to distress me.  


What tune pops into your head when you least expect it?

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