Tuesday, April 09, 2013


Yesterday, I got ready to go to the post office. (we are so small we don’t
have door to door mail service).  I figure I would work this into my walking
plan goal.. So got the coat harness for Misty, as we usually go together.
BUT she headed in the bedroom and under the bed. She was having no
part of this walking with the weather. Not that she is a big fan of the walk
in the first place.  And last time she was out, about an hour before, it was
raining.. surely not her favorite weather.

So I took that as maybe I shouldn’t walk, but be a good day to ride my
bike to get the mail. (we are talking … what 8 blocks round trip.) to built
up more lung power..

As I head down the road and around the corner at the speed of slow lightening.
I am hit by a wind gust.  Everything is blowing everywhere.  And while
the streets of Kootenai look flat….. they are not. Each one rises up as
you approach the intersection. (maybe so you don’t slide thru in the winter?)
I arrive at the post office within 2 minutes of start off.

Got my mail which was a piece of advertising for the phone company that
I dumped last fall… No I don’t want to come back… A bit of chit chat with
the gals who were waiting for the SPOT BUS… and off I go to head home.

As my legs pedal to give my butt a free ride …. I think of what I must look
like. I have a sweat shirt jacket on with a hood.  Which I have up, as the
wind is blowing like crazy and making this 40 degree day feel like 30.
The vision I have is the old lady riding the bike in the Wizard of Oz.
You know, pedaling as fast as she can in the wind…

Not a vision I like to think about…but on the other hand.. I am thankful
that my legs still work well at this age…

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