Wednesday, October 02, 2013

Who can afford kids anymore....

I was reading about how some parent was paying their kids
for the tooth that fell out...   I did the same.. but I guess I was a cheap skate... as I only gave a dime... now days kids get from $3.00 to $5.00 a tooth.  What the heck?  It is a wonder the enterprising youngster doesn't pull out all of their teeth.

Babysitting... I only earn 25 cents an hour... and paid 50 cents an hour.  Now they are demanding $5.00 an hour...Holy cow.
How does a low income family afford to go out.. and also if
there is more than 2 children.. they charge extra for the other
children.  Wowser.. I never would have been able to leave
the house. 

I know there was times when my husband and I didn't have
money for a baby sitter... and had friends who thankfully were in the same position.. So we traded off babysitting.  Now days they call it going to spend the night... lol..  We didn't go out very often..  We hardly ever went out for New Year's Eve.. The kid's dad, called that amateur night.  That is when people who didn't really drink, went out and got drunk.  Also was safer to be at home.

Maybe families should go back to the old fashion way ...
going out in the 1800's and 1900's was going to another
families house and play games.. and you brought your kids
with play with their kids.

Also we weren't given a list of things to bring to school,
for the kids in the beginning and even after it was a short list. Pencils, pens, locker lock and sneakers. A couple of peeches, and paper. That was it.   I saw the list at Wal-mart before school started and even kindergarten class looked longer than my shopping list.  Multiply that by each kid.. you almost have to get a loan.   No wonder there are so many groups who are giving away backpacks with supplies in it. Talking about backpacks... you see those things.. I have seen hunters go up in the woods with a lighter load.

Yep, I am glad my kids are grown.. and most of my grandchildren

are too. 

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