Monday, October 13, 2014

Spending time with a grandchild...

99% of my grandchildren have been raised
in other states than I live in.  Had the privilege
to have one raised in the same town..

So to get to spend some one on one time with one
of my grandchildren is always great. And never taken
for granted.
I have had water fights with two of my grandson's
over the years. Falling down with laughter.
I have had some serious conversations with my
adult grandchildren.  Every time, these precious
moments, mean a great deal to me.

So this past weekend was no exception. We, as
a family went to see the deer in Hope. With the
King, they went to see the bears.  But then the
parents went to my daughter's house, while
we had the pleasure of our granddaughter.

When grandchildren are on the edge of adulthood,
senior in high school.. you know your time is starting
to wan. As it is their time to test their winds and fly.
So time is precious.

Our time with our granddaughter was spent at
a sushi restaurant, as the King and this grand
child.. LOVE SUSHI.. not just like it .. LOVE IT.
We found a restaurant that had  both sushi and
other food. As much as they love sushi, I
don't..    So we had a wonderful dinner
together, as the generation discussion blended
over the love of the food, with granddaughter
and grandfather. .

We came home and being the King had been
up early to go hunting, he headed to bed. and
my granddaughter and I headed to the movies.
I had asked her which one of the movies we
saw in the paper would she like to go see.
After hearing the list, she named ANNABELLA.
I googled this movie, as she said it was a scary
movie.. I don't usually do scary movies. What
I saw on the internet... was a female CHUCKY.
OH, BOY..  this is going to be something else..
But I was game.  After all I don't get to spend
time with her by myself. We live 6 hours apart.

We got at the theater, sat down front, as that
is where she wanted to sit. I think I would have
picked by the door, easier to run. lol.. After
we got settled in, about 6 teenage boys
came in and sat about 3 rows down from us.
After carrying on a bit.. loud and lot of talking.
We looked at each other, and almost said the
same thing.  Teenage boys.. can be weird.
She added Idaho teenage boys.. told me
that in Washington they were a little more
quiet.  Just before the lights go down, about
10 more teens joined the boys.. Both boys
and girls.

We settled in to the movie.. knowing full well
when we saw the ugly doll, things were not
going to go well. Thru the movie there were
times it was suspenseful, and others were
thing just jump out of the side of the screen
and made you jump. Some times I closed
my eyes.. and some times I looked thru
my fingers.. Monster can't get past fingers.
lol... The teens in front of us were reacting
with yells, groans, jumps in the appropriate
times.  One girl on the isle across from us
startled all of us with her scream. But the
one that was the best.. during a really scary
part... everyone had a reaction.. and just
before the protective fingers when up to
protect me from the scene, I saw one of
the teenage boy up in front, jump and
scream like a girl.. of which my grand
daughter and I looked at each other and
started to laugh.. taking the scary part away.
This young man had been the macho guy
when they arrived.. so it was a riot to see
his reaction.  My granddaughter and I
talked about it, laughing as we left the

We went to Wal-mart as my microwave
decide to die that day. She picked out
a white one for me, to go with my other
appliances... I almost got a black one, but
she made sense.

When we got home and she installed the
microwave... we had some nice conversations.

A end to wonderful day.... so THANK YOU ...
Miss. BMW... not the car, but her initials.
We so enjoyed our time with you.. So thank
you for coming and hanging out with the old


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