Wednesday, September 16, 2015

Summer is over, and the real work starts...

I have been shredding zucchini's left and right.
I shred it and then bag it up into 2 cup bags..
That is for Choc. Zucchini bread in the winter.

Then there is the tomatoes... I have cooked up
so many batches of tomatoes, onions and peppers
for stewed tomatoes.. can use them in so many types
of sauces...

Then we cooked up spaghetti sauce for two days,
and canned that..

There is butter nut, and pan paddy, and acorn
squash that has been cooked and sliced and diced,
and into the freezer.

And  the peppers that are sliced and some diced
and bagged up for future use, and in the freezer.

Still have the prize winning Hubbard squash to do.
And then the King brought home a box of peaches.
This one is on him..   I will help him with prep work
but the rest is on him.. He wants to can them.. I hate

Oh, and did I mention the 4 gallons of blueberries
we picked which he want to make jam.....

All of this has to be done asap.. but he has two
projects he has to do before hunting season...

So much to do. so little time....

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