Wednesday, June 01, 2016

HOLY COW, he said....

Today is the first day of the King’s retirement.
Crossing our fingers that all the paper work is in
order and July 1st everything kicks in.

And the past couple of days have been eye openers
of what is to be…  for the King..  He figured he
retire and get up late (for him that is about 4am, as
work time was 2am)  and walk around the yard with
a cup of coffee and plan out his day.. Do some of his
projects he has lined up.. like working on his 47
Ford,  that has been in the works for years.  And a couple
of honey-dos that he even set up for himself.  Like
redoing the front porch and etc. And he wants to put
in a walk way from house to the back garage, instead
of the rock one we have now.

But the forecast is full of new plans that others are running by
him.  First is the potluck tomorrow at his job for them to say
good bye..  Then mid month is the school districts breakfast
as they say good bye to all their employee’s who are
retiring this year.  And baby shower, and friend’s birthday
dinner, and a niece’s graduation AND best of of all… a
whole week fishing trip. It is a 3 generation but I kind
of call it Old Farts fishing trip.. There will be 4 men over
the age of 60… two mid 30 years olds (sons of the host) and
4 (grandchildren of the host) who range from 5 to teens. 
It will be a blast. NO women, which suits me fine..
(humm, a week…what project can I do?)
 BUT, it has left the King with…

And all of these are in June.. then we jump to August
to our son’s wedding and a visit round trip for us all
rolled into one.   And I suspect the days and weeks

between will fill up as well.    

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