In an e-mail yesterday with a fellow blogger,
the subject of moving came up, which reminded
me of pass moving projects.
When married to my deceased husband, Marv
it seemed we moved every 4 years. Not
intentional. It just worked out that way. Most
of it was job related. At the end it was health
related. But we use to joke about all we had
to do was whistle and the furniture would
gather up and jump on the trailer or truck.
Wish it was that easy.
Ken and I moved into this house 7 years
ago. And every so often he threatens to
sell out and move. But both of us agree
on one thing. If we do, the new owners
get everything. We will take our clothes
and leave.
Over the years we have gathered
good stuff. Some call it junk. But it is in
the eye of the beholder. Also I have
found you can not have a big enough
yard sale to get rid of all your good stuff.
One time when Ken and I had the
granddaddy of all yard sales. It was
called ANYTHING FOR A BUCK, and we
ran it for a week (it took that long to get
rid of all of it, we had an acre full). The
hazards of having a yard sale together is when
you are taking things out to the yard. You see,
your husband will bring back in 5 objects of
every 1 object he takes out. And if he brings
out 5 objects to fill that space, it will be your
things. So the tug of war goes on.
While Ken did pretty well with that
yard sale, he not do well with the one
that followed. We had put things in a storage.
(motel for your GOOD STUFF) and we decided
after one robbery and paying good money monthly
for keeping GOOD STUFF for years, was dumb.
So we had a storage shed sale. I was working,
so it was left up to my husband to do the sale.
My daughter had offered to help. The long and
short of it was, when she got there at 5 to 9am
she found many buyers taking things to their
vehicles, not much left to sell for the rest of the
day. Good buys? no, he was tired of the whole thing
as the buyers were there at 8:30am, and he was
giving things away with the stuff they had bought
to get it over with.
Next time my daughter and I had a yard sale
we sent him out of town.
By the way did you know that GOOD STUFF
breeds in your closets and drawers? I sure
don't remember getting all this junk, I mean
Saturday Slight
1 hour ago
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