This weekend my husband and I went to Elmira for
brunch after church. While there, I saw the
Boundary County paper. Boy,is that thing thin.
50 cents for it. Makes Spokesman Review even
more of a bargain.
I read one column, and I don't know if it was a
tongue in cheek type write up or not. But it sounded
like he was serious about a new law. I had a very
hard time believing it.
The law was to ban Pot Luck meals. Now really,
it can't be serious.
Pot Luck has been with the United States since
the Pilgrims. They probably had it on the ship
coming over. They did have a famous one which
we celebrate each year. It is called Thanksgiving.
The Pilgrims brought food and so did the Indians.
Hence, the beginning of the first well know Pot Luck
dinner. Where would life be with out Pot Luck dinner?
Even in the stories.. Stone Soup. It was a Pot Luck
dinner. Everyone brought something and the bums
had the stones.
This article said even in Minnesota had the law and
they put in the exception of schools and churches.
Well, if in fact it is a law, they used a little bit of
common sense. But I find this too much government,
if in fact it is true. They said it was because they
wanted to protect us from the unclean kitchen of
some people, that could have results on others being
sick. First of all, only Martha Stewart has a perfectly
clean kitchen, I suspect.
Second of all, I want the government to tell us .....
how many people died because of Pot Luck dinners.
As I never have heard of one. So be sure to
invite me to the Pot Luck ... and are we going to
have to go underground to hold these?
Count me in... I will bring a dish and stand guard
at the door while everyone eats.
Saturday Slight
1 hour ago
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